Publicaciones 2018
Libros editados
Capítulos de libros
Doran, M-C., Blouin-Genest, G. & Paquerot, S. 2018. 'Introduction: becoming human rights subjects through new practices'. Réd Blouin-Genest, G., Doran, M-C. & Paquerot, S. Dans Human Rights as Battlefields: Changing Practices and Contestations, 1-12. New York/London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Luis van Isschot. 2018 “Nonviolent Grassroots Challenge to U.S.-led Plan Colombia”. ed John Lindsay-Poland, Plan Colombia: U.S. Ally Atrocities and Community Activity, Durham, NC : Duke University Press.
Luis van Isschot. (2018) Rural Colombia: The Architecture of State-Sponsored Violence and New Power Configurations. In: North L., Clark T. (eds) Dominant Elites in Latin America. Latin American Political Economy. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Doran, M-C. 2018. 'Indigenous Peoples in Chile: Contesting Violence, Building New Meanings for Rights and Democracy'. Réd Blouin-Genest, G., Doran, M-C. & Paquerot, S. Dans Human Rights as Battlefields: Changing Practices and Contestations, 199-223. New York/London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Doran, M-C., Blouin-Genest, G. & Paquerot, S. 2018. 'Human rights as battlefields: power relations, translations and transformations - a theoretical framework'. Réd Blouin-Genest, G., Doran, M-C. & Paquerot, S. Dans Human Rights as Battlefields: Changing Practices and Contestations, 15-30. New York/London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Doran, M-C., Blouin-Genest, G. & Paquerot, S. 2018. 'Conclusion: Changing Practices and the Battlefields of World Politics'. Réd Marie-Christine Doran, Gabriel Blouin-Genest et Sylvie Paquerot. Dans Human Rights as Battlefields. Changing Practices and Contestations, 269-280. New York & London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Doran M-C, 2018. 'L’émergence du culte des martyrs populaires de la dictature: une sacralisation de la Mémoire?'. Réd Martin Hébert et Jorge Legoas. Dans La souffrance économique en Amérique latine. Ste-Foy: Presses de l'université Laval. (Article accepté)
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